Legal Infomation

Legal Infomation

Website publisher
Company name : La Grange Animation
Registered office address : 1534 Route de l’Amérique 40360 Pomarez
Legal status : SAS
Phone Number : 06 48 25 43 21
RCS : 949 284 517 R.C.S. Dax
SIRET : 94928451700016
NAF code : 6820B
Registered capital : 4 000,00 euros

Director : Dartigues Clément
E-Mail :

The photographs and design of the https://www. website are protected by intellectual property law and copyright law. The photographs and content were taken by Clément Dartigues, who is the sole owner. Partial or complete duplication of the content, images or data on this site is subject to prior authorisation.

Hosted by
Infomaniak Network SA
Rue Eugène Marziano 25
1227 Les Acacias (GE)

Informatique et Libertés
The user data communicated on the site is intended for “La Grange Animation” for the needs of its administrative and commercial management. La Grange Animation does not share this information with third parties. The right of access and of correction as well as the right of opposition envisaged by the french law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing with the files and freedoms modified in 2004, are exerted constantly thanks to the possibility offered to the user to modify the data in personal matter relating to it on the form of inscription to the mailing list and for the data to which the user would not have possibly direct access, on simple written request addressed to SAS ‘La Grange Animation’ 1534 Route de l’Amérique 40360 Pomarez or by email